
The DAVEGI concept is aimed at full automation in vegetable cultivation and differs greatly from existing solutions. It utilises spot farming, in which each plant is individually monitored and cared for. Unlike autonomous agricultural robots, which struggle with range and terrain difficulties, DAVEGI is based on a circular traverse that rotates around a fixed point and creates a stable environment for robust automation. The main movements are carried out by slides along the traverse, which are moved quickly with minimal friction loss. Vegetable crates in the traverse are freshly stocked every day and the energy supply is self-sufficient via solar panels.

Data from various sensors control the process by recognising and classifying crops, weeds and pests. This allows different types of vegetables to be grown in parallel on the same area and harvested as needed, minimising crop losses. The system optimises area efficiency through targeted replanting and soil sensor-based crop rotations. Tools on the carriages cultivate the soil with pinpoint accuracy, fertilise and irrigate precisely, regulate weeds mechanically or electrically and harvest the plants as required.

To summarise, the DAVEGI approach offers the prospect of overcoming the current ecological and economic challenges facing agriculture and vegetable growing in particular, while at the same time generating added value for consumers through regional and healthy products.


Product description

The DAVEGI prototype serves as a base station for logistics and as a bridging technology for unattended autonomy in vegetable growing. It automates all plant cultivation processes in specialised crops efficiently, ecologically and economically. By combining agricultural robotics and photovoltaics, DAVEGI maximises land utilisation and reduces yield-reducing shading. Knowledge and developments, such as tools or plant data, can be transferred directly to mobile systems. DAVEGI is energy self-sufficient and carries out all plant cultivation processes independently, from soil cultivation to harvesting.

The advantages of DAVEGI include an increase in efficiency of more than 50% compared to conventional vegetable cultivation, maximum area efficiency thanks to a traverse that increases turnover per hectare fivefold, and local energy generation and utilisation thanks to an integrated battery storage system that eliminates the need for external power lines. DAVEGI also promotes biodiversity and enables environmentally friendly and resource-conserving vegetable cultivation. High process reliability and transparency for customers thanks to an app round off the concept.


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